Kati with an I

Mar 30 - Apr 05, 2012

(Robert Greene, 2010, USA, DigiBeta, 86 min)

Seattle Premiere! 

For his first documentary feature, Robert Greene shares with us an intimate portrait of his half-sister Kati. Incorporating a lifetime of home movies, recorded phone conversations and the lushly textured cinematography of Sean Price Williams, Greene focuses on the moment in Kati’s life which, for many of us, is a familiar dividing line between childhood and the adult world: graduation from high school and the decisions that follow. Greene skillfully takes us from episodes of girlish frivolity to the times that can feel like the end of the world, through to those moments when every hope seems possible and every possibility is a promise. A worthy addition to the documentary genre of intimate portraits of ordinary people, like Stevie and Billy the Kid.


"it touches something universal about youth and hope" -Seattle Times

"This is documentary filmmaking in its most unvarnished form...gets at something hauntingly real." -The Herald


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