Aug 29 - Sep 01, 2015
(Jem Cohen, United States, 2015, DCP, 111 min)
Seattle premiere
Jem Cohen’s prodigious filmography of 70 films only grows stronger with his latest creation: Counting. In the style of his previous works, this film lives at the edge of the art form. The edits are instinctive, the juxtapositions of subject matter, abstract. The imagery alternates between careful composition and impressionistic snapshots. Train windows, steamed over. Construction workers silhouetted against the sun. Thorny bushes straining to escape an empty lot in New York. Cohen travelled the world for footage, capturing Moscow, Istanbul, Porto, St. Petersburg, before returning to his home in New York. Filming without a crew, Cohen turned his unique eye for the everyday upon the great cities of the world, and their occupants.