The Headless Woman
Oct 23 - Oct 29, 2009
(Lucrecia Martel, Argentina, 2008, 35mm, 87 min)
One rainy day, an upper class dentist named Veronica speeds down the road in her flashy car. Suddenly she hits something. Was it one of the street urchins playing on the side of the road, a dog or nothing at all? Deeply disturbed but unwilling to stop, she drives on. The rest of renowned Argentine director Lucrecia Martel’s outstanding third feature follows Veronica as she wanders in confusion, wracked by the guilt of her possible crime. Inventive camerawork engenders the eerie atmosphere in this challenging film that raises questions about the huge disparity between Argentina’s upper and lower classes.
“Even more than The Holy Girl, it demonstrates Martel's extraordinary cinematic vision and skill with actors.” —Andrew O’Hehir, Salon
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