Heavy Metal Parking Lot

Sep 30, 2005

(Jeff Krulik, USA, 1986-2000, 114 min.)

Print courtesy of Jeff Krulik 

What better way to remember our funky and eclectic Little Theatre (1999-2004) than to bring back the films of our favorite eclectic nut magnet and archivist of bizarre Americana, Jeff Krulik.

Coordinating his first-ever Northwest tour and retrospective back in 2003 was a wild ride. Don't miss this dirt-rockin, wrassslin', porn-obsessed, laugh-out-loud monkey-business stew of short films from the man that gave the world HEAVY METAL PARKING LOT.

The screening includes other not-to-be-missed shorts BLASSIE GOES TO WASHINGTON, KING OF PORN, I CREATED LANCELOT LINK, ERNEST BORGNINE ON THE BUS and Jeff's public access gibberish from his days in the industry! 

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