Woman of Tokyo

Oct 02, 2005

(Yasujiro Ozu, Japan, 1933, 35mm, 47 min.)


Print courtesy of Criterion Collection/Janus Films

The complete existing work of master filmmaker Yasujiro Ozu graced our screens last winter, including ten rarely-seen silent films that lit the screen to the accompaniment of NWFF commissioned scores from some of Seattle's most talented musicians.

We are thrilled to bring back Wayne Horvitz to play his powerful score to Ozu's sizzling melodrama WOMAN OF TOKYO.

Elder sister Chikako secretly moonlights in a sleazy nightclub in order to put her brother Ryo through college. When the unsuspecting Ryo finds out, he attacks her for bringing shame to the family, then comes rapidly unhinged with guilt.

In Japanese with English subtitles.

$13/$10 NWFF members.

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