First Aid for Choking

Sep 26, 2010

(Meghan Griffiths, USA, 2003, 99 min)

As seen in our Local Sightings Festival, the Film Forum can be an incubator of a regional aesthetic, which is how we ended up getting involved in Meghan Griffiths feature debut First Aid For Choking. Set in the director's hometown of Moscow, Idaho, and funded through our fiscal sponsorship program, First Aid is filled with likeable and familiar characters that don't always make the decisions you'd like them to. The film is a realistic portrait of the entrapments of small towns and family histories. Looking for some direction in her life, Gillian enrolls in beauty school where she bumps into the Jerry Springer past that she thought she had escaped.
Screens with
Donut Holes
(John Jeffcoat, USA, 2004, 6 min)
Keep your eye upon the donut…not the donut hole. An astounding interview and documentary on why on our favorite confectionery treat is missing its middle.   

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