Seattle Bike-In

Aug 24, 2013
Co-presented with Sustainable Seattle and The Vera Project
Sponsored by Bike Works, Hub and Bespoke, Timbuk2 and
Movie at dusk!
Named as one of the reasons that Pike/Pine is considered “Top 12 Art Places in America," the Seattle Bike-In has become a staple of the summer outdoor movie calendar. This 8th annual celebration of green transportation, our urban community and summer nights encourages you to grab your bike and grab your friends for our annual event in Cal Anderson Park on Capitol Hill. The Bike-In includes live music and DJs, film and a fair from local cycling organizations and merchants.
This year's program features:
- a screening of Pee-Wee's Big Adventure a 1985 comedy classic by Tim Burton about Pee-Wee's search for a stolen bicycle, with a remixed soundtrack (including new music, sound effects and live DJing) by Jon Francois (DUG) & Eardrumz (Stop Biting).
- A live set from Tacoma post rock band Lo' There Do I See My Brother. Listen to some tunes from their album With Eyes Open, We Fall On Our Swords.
Summer nights never felt so right to be on two wheels!
Bike Fair
Screening: Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
Featuring a special Movie Night presentation with DeeJays Jon Francois (DUG) and Eardrumz (Stop Biting).
Pee-Wee remixed: the DJs will masterfully replace almost the entire soundtrack (including music, sound effects and dialogue) of the film, live, using vinyl records!
Special events from our partners
- Sustainable Seattle is hosting a free Capitol Hill Sustainability Walk on Saturday, August 24 from 5 - 7:30pm, which will showcase five stops chosen for their commitment to sustainability. Come hear how vision, innovation, green technology and concepts are transforming "The Hill" to make Seattle an incredibly resilient city. The walking tour will include five stops; each site will have a project leader sharing how sustainability has been key to developments. Highlights include:
- an urban edible garden that's open to the public
- one of only few designated Eco-District's in the nation
- solar power for your home
- green building design, particularly the "world's greenest office building"
- how to get your own urban garden (P-Patch) space
- an exciting new street revitalization project set to give Melrose Avenue a makeover
Read more about the free walks and register online to join!
Sustainable Seattle has focused on the long-term health and sustainability of the greater Seattle area since 1991. They work to accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices by supporting individuals, organizations, and businesses working towards positive change. Their programs use environmental action, education and inspiration to build a thriving and livable future.
- Timbuk2 will be hosting a Bike Sprint Challenge! They have a custom (pre-made) Emerald City Messenger Bag to award to the person who can pedal the farthest in 30 seconds. Don't miss your chance to win an awesome bag, using your own wheels!
- Hub and Bespoke will be hosting some fun and games at the bike fair; stop by their table for a little "inner tube toss." Hook a tube onto their handlebars and win a prize! You can also bike your style by entering Hub and Bespoke's Twitter photo contest. How to enter:
1) Send a picture of your best Pee-Wee pose with your bike
2) Send a picture that incorporates your bike into a recreation of a famous movie scene
Tweet your photos to @hubandbespoke and @nwfilmforum #seattlebikein
Hub and Bespoke will tweet/announce the winner just before the Pee-Wee screening!
Bike Parking
New this year at the Seattle Bike-In: complimentary valet bike parking, courtesy of Bike Works!
Valet bike parking is like a coat check for bicycles. When you arrive at the event, you'll be issued a claim ticket in exchange for your bikes; "valets" watch the bikes in a secure corral while you enjoy the event.
Valet bike parking is available at Cal Anderson Park at the Bike-In, 5pm - 11pm, first come, first served (suggested donation).
Racks and valet service come courtesy of the great folks at Bike Works, an innovative non-profit, centered around bicycles, that combines youth development, community engagement, bicycle recycling and a social enterprise bike shop to help build a sustainable and healthy community.
Bike Raffle
Visit the Film Forum table at the bike fair between 5 - 9pm to buy a raffle ticket for our Bike Basket Bonanza! Thanks to generous local businesses we have an amazing basket of good things to raffle off, valued at more than $900, including:
- Five free classes from 8 Limbs Yoga, with studio locations all over the city! 8 Limbs is one of the most knowledgeable and welcoming yoga centers in Seattle, with a diverse range of classes for all experience levels.
- Two annual memberships from Cyclists of Greater Seattle (plus bike safety triangles)! COGS is an awesome local cycling club focused on friendships built through biking, with great rides, fun people and social events throughout the year.
- An amazing bundle from Cascade Bicycle Club, including a Nutcase helmut, cycling cap, Theo chocolate and more! Cascade is a local non-profit with more than 15,000 members that works to build cycling community, new riders and better bike infrastructure.
- Free bike rentals (both in Seattle and the San Juans) from PedalAnywhere! PedalAnywhere rents bikes for periods from 2 days up to months at a time, and offers drop off/pick up bike service in Seattle city limits (!).
- A free bicycle tune-up from Gregg's Cycle! Gregg's has been a Seattle bike shop staple since 1932 and has multiple locations in both Seattle and the Eastside.
- Two free memberships + magazines from the Adventure Cycling Association! ACA is a nonprofit with 46,500 members and a mission to inspire and empower people to travel by bicycle, including long distance touring.
- An excellent set of useful gear (including an Incridibell, Grande beverage holder and EZ-EL light kit) from FreeRange Cycles. FreeRange is a quality neighborhood bike shop located in Fremont that focuses on year-round cycle commuting.
- An amazing $200 gift card from Timbuk2, good towards the purchase of any custom bag. Born and bred on the backs of San Francisco bike messengers, Timbuk2 builds tough-as-Hell messenger bags, backpacks & accessories, including their epic Timbuk2 custom bags.
We'll hold the raffle drawing at 9pm and announce it from the stage, just before the Pee-Wee screening!