
Oct 04 - Oct 10, 2013

(Michelangelo Antonioni, 1960, Italy, 35mm, 143 min)

New 35mm print!

Michelangelo Antonioni was not singlehandedly responsible for introducing the internal landscapes of Modernism and the rich fields of Surrealism into cinema, but he was a force for that change. In this early postmodern fable,  a rich girl disappears on an island and no one knows either how that could have happened or how long they can care. 

In this first film of Antonioni’s trilogy about modern life, traditional tragedy meets the tragically hip, haunting both mind and eye with barren cinematography inextricable from its maddening story. After 50 years, this controversial Cannes winner and classic of world cinema still shocks and haunts in equal degrees, musing on entertainment and happiness, and drawing us into a world of beautiful dislocation. 

"hypnotically beautiful. . .Part of its power is that L'Avventura refuses to reassure you." —Seattle Weekly

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