A Walk in the Sea: Danny Williams and the Warhol Factory

Esther B. Robinson, USA, 2007, BETA-SP, 75 min

BACK TO THE FACTORY: Revisiting Stories and Works From The Warhol Factory
Esther Robinson in person Friday & Sunday  

Esther Robinson's engrossing, dream-like portrait is of her uncle Danny Williams, Warhol's onetime lover and collaborator and a filmmaker in his own right. Robinson's behind-the-scenes peek into the Factory era and the story of William's mysterious disappearance at age 27 offer both an homage to Williams' largely unrecognized talent and another chapter in the saga of the enigmatic Warhol legend and its many causalities. Winner of Best Documentary at the Berlin Film Festival.

"It's always useful to be reminded that Warhol perversely got off on setting acolyte against acolyte and standing back to survey the emotional (and sometimes physical) damage (and, of course, profiting immensely) . . . Fascinating stuff." -David Edelstein, NEW YORK MAGAZINE

Read an interview with Esther Robinson

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