Idle Running

Dec 13, 2008

(Janez Burger, Slovenia, 1999, 35mm, 90 min)

Taking a page from the Jim Jarmusch notebook, first-time director Janez Burger elicits winning performances from his young cast and resourcefully fashions a quirky and mature low-budget movie about the consequences of avoiding life. The cynical, lazy and seductive Dizzy (played by co-screenwriter Jan Cvitkovic) is a student living a campus life of boozing, snoozing and watching TV. His commitment-free life is interrupted when Marko, a serious freshman from the countryside, moves into his room—with his pregnant girlfriend in tow. Idle Running (V leru) is a beautifully realized study of self-discovery that is both funny and touching, with characters who are immediately recognizable to anyone who’s ever set foot in a college dorm.

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