8 Bit: A Documentary About Art and Videogames

Mar 09 - Mar 11, 2007

Director: Marcin Ramocki, Co-Director Justin Strawhand, 2006, USA, 77 min.


 Named in ArtForum as one of the top ten films of the year by MoMA curator Barbara London, this new documentary examines the influence of video games on contemporary culture, and explores the growing subculture obsessed with repurposing old games and computers as new artistic tools. With both nostalgia and irreverence, artists are transforming old devices into video synthesizers and musical instruments and obsessing over Pac Man and Super Mario Brothers the way Warhol mused over Campbell's Soup and Marilyn Monroe. Shot in NYC, LA, Paris and Tokyo, 8 BIT weaves together arcane histories of digital subterfuge, audio-visual concerts, the best digital artwork, and interviews with cutting-edge artists including Cory Arcangel, Bit Shifter, Bodenstandig 2000, Bubblyfish and many others. Do not miss these special screenings! 

Filmmakers scheduled to attend Friday and Saturday screenings.


Cory Arcangel - http://www.beigerecords.com/cory
Isabelle Arvers - http://www.isabelle-arvers.com
Bit Shifter - http://www.8bitmovie.com/cast/bit.shifter.net
Bodenstandig 2000 - http://www.bodenstandig.de
Bubblyfish - http://www.bubblyfish.com
Mary Flanagan - http://maryflanagan.com/default.htm
Alex Galloway - http://cultureandcommunication.org/galloway
Gameboyzz Orchestra - http://mikroorchestra.com
Glomag - http://www.glomag.com
Rachel Greene - http://www.glomag.com
Ed Halter - http://www.edhalter.com
Paul Johnson - http://www.pauljohnson.com
John Klima - http://www.cityarts.com/lmno
Johan Kotlinski - http://blog.johankotlinski.com
Nullsleep - http://www.nullsleep.com
Joe McKay - http://homepage.mac.com/joester5/art/index.html 
Tom Moody - http://www.digitalmediatree.com/tommoody, http://www.8bitmovie.com/cast/digitalmediatree.com/tommoody
Christiane Paul - http://transliteracies.english.ucsb.edu/post/conference-2005/participants/christiane-paul
Akiko Sakaizumi - http://www.artnet.com/magazineus/reviews/davis/davis1-24-06_detail.asp?picnum=11 
Eddo Stern - http://www.eddostern.com
teamtendo - http://teamtendo.com
Treewave - http://www.8bitmovie.com/cast/treewave.com

Original Music and Performances by:

Bit Shifter 
Bodenstandig 2000 
Covox - http://www.covox.net
Gameboyzz Orchestra
HUORATRON - http://www.huoratron.com
Role Model 
Chiaki Watanabe - http://www.nicknack.org

And the work of:

Eboy - http://eboy.com
jodi - http://wwwwwwwww.jodi.org
Velvet Strike - http://www.opensorcery.net/velvet-strike
John Simon

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