Fiscal Sponsee – Cloud Chamber

Cloud Chamber

Produced by Matt Orefice, Karen Wetterhahn, Daniel J. Harmon (“Bubble Bubble Meows and the Meteor Stomachache”, “Bad Men from a Melting Moon”, “Joy of Wolf”)

A “folk science fiction”. Years after the death of her daughter, a rank-and-file scientist is sent to work on an experiment that uses a mysterious technology to pull material from the cosmic vacuum.

Featuring Karen Wetterhahn, Travis Doane, Giovanny Vazquez, Daniel J. Harmon, Robert L. Butler, Jr., Merri Ann Osborne, Nicholas Horiatis, Mark Johnston, Ira Katz, Stephen Notley, Susan Echols-Orton, Carrie Schnelker, Kim Osborne, Palmer Scott, and Emma Madeline Rose.

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Northwest Film Forum
1515 12th Ave,

Seattle, WA 98122

206 329 2629

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