Forum Sponsorships
Become a Forum Sponsor!
Annual Gala Sponsorship
The Forum’s annual gala supports and sustains the work we do throughout the year. The 2025 gala will celebrate NWFF’s 30th Anniversary, and our theme is Existential Crisis: Look Forward with the Forum. Turning 30 is a major milestone for people and organizations alike–an opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments and consider how we can continue to best serve our community going forward. At this event, we will look ahead and share our hopes, dreams, and plans for our next 30 years.
Our Birthday Sponsors!
Northwest Film Forum is celebrating our 30th Birthday and we want to celebrate it with you! If you are turning 30 too or want to pop a bottle with us please donate up to $500 and you will see your name here and you will be recognized at the Northwest Film Forum Annual Gala, May 30th at Washington Hall.
Forum Legacy Sponsor // $5,000
Forum Director's Circle // $2,500
Forum Luminary // $1,000
Silver Screen Sponsor // $500
Birthday Sponsor // Less than $500