Moving History

Oct 5, 2016 - Jun 15, 2024
56 Films , 1 Event



Moving Image Preservation of Puget Sound (MIPoPS) is delighted to invite you to Moving History, an archival movie night! Ever wonder what kind of video treasures were sequestered in the depths of places like MOHAI, the Wing Luke Museum, or Seattle Art Museum? MIPoPS (pronounced mee-pops) works with your favorite local libraries, museums, and archives to digitize the video treasures hidden in their collections. They’ve got U-matics, Betacam, DVCAM, LaserDiscs, VHS tapes, and more – and MIPoPS has the equipment and know-how to bring those old formats back to life.

Their screenings are great opportunities to see video that you won’t find anywhere else. Q&As with representatives from partnering organizations after each screening make every Moving History night a learning opportunity. If you’re interested in archives, museums, moving images, history, or art – these screenings will check all of your boxes!

Find out more about MIPoPS at their website

Watch past screenings on their YouTube Channel

Browse hundreds of videos they’ve digitized on their Internet Archive page

Find them on social media:
Twitter @mipops_seattle
Facebook & Instagram @mipopsseattle

Partnerships between MIPoPS and local heritage organizations have brought hundreds of tapes from moldering, musty shelves back to the big (and small) screen! Video tape is a magnetic medium with a shelf life of less than 30 years. This means that any existing video tape is at critical risk of being lost to degradation – forever. MIPoPS is fighting the good fight against this magnetic media crisis, and they want to share the gems that they’ve discovered in the process!

MIPoPS has partnered with:

Archives of the Archdiocese of Seattle
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum
Dance Heritage Coalition
King County Archives
Kubota Gardens Foundation
Museum of History and Industry
Providence Archives
Sally Sykes Group
Scarecrow Video
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Audubon Society
Seattle Mime Theatre
Seattle Municipal Archives
Seattle Public Schools Archives
Southwest Seattle Historical Society, Log House Museum
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
University of Washington, Ethnomusicology Archives
Wing Luke Museum

Praise for MIPoPS, from...

Scott Cline, retired Seattle City Archivist, from 1985-2016

“In my 35 years as an archivist – and one who is very active in professional circles – this is the most exciting development I’ve been associated with. This kind of “consortium” work can be a huge benefit to the profession and serve as a great model.”

Seth Dalby, Director, Archives and Records Management, Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle

“As one of the organizations selected to work with MIPoPS as part of their last 4Culture grant, we began to make some headway with our backlog by viewing boxes of tapes that had not seen the light of day since the 1970s and 1980s. Through our work with MIPoPS, we have been able to provide online access to a number of unique video segments – for example: local Native American historian David Buerge describing the early relationship with local tribes and the Catholic Church, the Columbia River pastoral project, a major environmental protection effort by 12 local bishops, and the history and renovation of Seattle’s St. James Cathedral, one of the most historically significant structures in Western Washington.”

Ernie Dornfeld, Kubota Garden

“I work with the Kubota Garden Foundation to help preserve what’s known about the Garden’s history and development. Much of this lore has been passed down in oral tradition. MIPoPS has been a great in helping us transferring historically important video interviews to digital format. This enables us to use them to interpret the site, and provides backup for the information they contain.”

Sally Sykes-Wylie, Seattle Mime Theater, Sykes Group

“MIPoPS has created a unique workshop of equipment and has developed the skills to work with the interface of old and new technology… It was impressive to see the skill and the desire to capture the best possible image during the archival process and I feel I learned a tremendous amount about this and the value of preserving these creative treasures.”

Traci Timmons, Librarian, Seattle Art Museum

“How lucky we are to have MIPoPS in our community. Their critical services have allowed us to discover so much meaningful historic content on numerous media formats: the artists who exhibit or participate, the Museum personnel and other experts who help us understand art, our important architecture, and other interesting aspects of our institutional history. Without their assistance, we would have no understanding of the rich content we have in our media collection. Importantly, the MIPoPS Team has been extremely easy to work with, helping us clearly understand the process and answering our questions every step of the way.”


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Northwest Film Forum
1515 12th Ave,

Seattle, WA 98122

206 329 2629

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