Children's Film Festival Seattle: Youth Jury

Each year, more than 25 youth ages 8-18 participate on youth-led juries to view films and award official prizes to CFFS’ short and feature films. Youth are the ultimate decision-makers on these panels, which provide an excellent opportunity for young film lovers to sharpen their critical eye and have meaningful opportunities to engage with other youth!
The festival has three juries, grouped by age: Catbus Kids (age 8-10), Fantastic Foxes (ages 11-14) and Iron Giants (ages 15-18). CFFS is always looking for a diverse youth jury pool from throughout the Seattle area who are representative of the inclusive, multicultural priorities of CFFS, and its mission to inspire empathy, understanding, and a nuanced view of the world.
Applications for the 2024 Youth Jury are closed! Please stay tuned next year for more opportunities.