Fiscal Sponsee – Reel Witness
Reel Witness
Aimie Vallat and Guido Ronge – Directors
Following the success of Little Rebel, and in light of the USA’s political climate, REEL WITNESS continues turning-up refugee voices of the Pacific Northwest via film.
August 2018: RW starts filming the life of Hameed — a young Muslim who left everything behind in war-torn Iraq at 16, in a solo quest for a brighter more peaceable future. Now 22, like Isatou of Little Rebel, his salvation is scholarship in Seattle bound by a big altruistic dream. From flight to refuge, RW seeks to humanize the facelessness of emigration and celebrate personal tales of resiliency.
Promote advocacy-storytelling with a thoughtful donation to REEL WITNESS; their pro-bono productions are directly enhanced by your generosity. Thank you.