Cine Lenses for DSLR Cinematography (April 2019)
CANCELED – Check back soon for our next offering!
$95 to register
$80 for Forum members
(prices do not include Brown Paper Ticket service fees)
Experience Level: All
Limited to 10 participants
This workshop will introduce you to the Rokinon Lens kit and train you on how to choose and use cine lenses with a follow focus system effectively. The Rokinon Cine Lens line are professional, affordable lenses with industry standard declicked gearing for focus and aperture rings that allow for smooth adjustment. Basic knowledge of DSLR functionality and cinematography is expected. This workshop is recommended as a follow up for our DSLR Videography workshop, but can also be taken alone by students who are already proficient in shooting video on DSLRs.
Equipment: Rokinon lenses are provided for use during the workshop and are available for rent to workshop participants. Feel free to bring your own gear as well!
6 hours of instruction over two nights, 6:30-9:30pm.
Craig Downing
Craig has both taught film and produced films in Seattle, Haiti and Iceland. In Haiti, Craig was the senior media educator at the Haitian School of Journalism, while also producing documentaries for NGOs in the area. In Iceland, Craig was the camera and grip department head at Saga Film, assisting with international features and commercials. Craig also serves as the festival director for Couch Fest Films, and contributes reviews to Short of the Week.