Support NWFF Today!
Contribute to NWFF's Bright Future Ahead
Your contribution will help support:
- $25 comps a pair of tickets for a youth and parent during Children’s Film Festival Seattle
- $50 provides craft services for a youth workshop or filmmaking class
- $100 covers a basic visiting artist or filmmaker stipend
- $250 covers one film screening fee or a workshop scholarship for the underserved
- $500 pays for Adobe software licenses in our free and low-cost public edit lab, which empowers filmmakers to CREATE
- $750 enables us to host free field trip screenings and discussions for students from low-income schools
- $1,000 subsidizes space and staffing for a FREE community screening, which we accommodate year-round, prioritizing youth and communities of color 🙂
- $2,500 helps NWFF offset the huge rental discounts we offer local partner festivals and educational organizations
- $5,000+ gifts allow us to seed new programs or consider cost-of-living increases for staff
Consider a recurring gift, to deepen your impact year-round impact.
** For inquiries about donations or the special membership, please contact our Managing Director, Chris Day, at chris (at)

Membership connects you to a community, whether you’re a media-maker looking for collaborators, new ideas, and equipment, a cinephile seeking out mind-expanding movies, or just someone who loves to support the arts while getting free refills of Seattle’s best popcorn.
Join, renew, or read more about membership below.
Employee Matching & Corporate Sponsorship
Did you know that over 200 employers across the Northwest match their employees’ personal gifts to nonprofits? Your donation could be going twice as far!
Please inquire with your Human Resources or Community Giving Department about your company’s commitment to charitable giving. If your workplace does have a Corporate Giving Program, they can provide you with the sign-up form. Please be sure to send this matching gift form to Northwest Film Forum along with your donation.
Legacy Gifting
Invest in Northwest Film Forum’s future with a planned gift!
A planned gift is a permanent legacy that will pay dividends to Seattle’s artistic community for generations to come.
Making a planned gift to Northwest Film Forum has never been easier. We have included below some model language for your will or other estate plan:
A specific amount:
I hereby give to Northwest Film Forum, currently located at 1515 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122, or its successor organization, the amount of [the exact dollar amount].
Specific property such as stock, real property, or the copyright in a motion picture:
I hereby give to Northwest Film Forum, currently located at 1515 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122, or its successor organization, the following property: [a description of the particular property].
You can also make NWFF the beneficiary of your IRA.
Our legal name is Northwest Film Forum and our Federal Tax No. is 91-1702331.
For more information, give us a call at (206) 329-2629, send us an email at, or drop us a line at Northwest Film Forum, 1515 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122.
Holiday Shopping to do?
Register for Amazon Smile, and 1/2 of 1% of each of your Amazon purchases will be donated to Northwest Film Forum.