The HIJACK Experience at Velocity Dance Center
Turn it in, turn it out, turn it on, turn it off)
Sat Mar 10: 2.30pm
Sun Mar 11: 2.30pm
(Body as camera, as film, as choreographer, as subject.
Turn it in, turn it out, turn it on, turn it off)
> Email Velocity Associate Producer Erin Johnson at to register! <
Sliding scale
Both days: $45–75
One day: $25–35
This choreography-and-filmmaking fusion class takes place at Velocity Dance Center, at 1621 12th Ave.
From 25 years in the idealistic practice of collaboration, HIJACK will teach some favorite methods. Choreographic decisions, like all decisions, are power. Seek the double bounce, refuse the watered down. Coming to either or both classes works perfectly. This class is open to anyone; there will be dancing and choreographing and improvising.
In Saturday’s class, we’ll work in the influence of Nancy Stark Smith’s UnderScore, honing in on the transition between Preamble and Skinisphere — the external space, the internal space, the transition between them: a ripping, a melting, a waterbird take-off.
On Sunday, we’ll work in the influence of Lisa Nelson’s work as a filmmaker — the succulence of response, the freedom of structure, the finality of editing.
More about this and other dance master classes on Velocity’s website >

About the artist
HIJACK, based in Minneapolis since 1993,is the choreographic collaboration of Kristin Van Loon + Arwen Wilder.
HIJACK specializes in the inappropriate, and performs in both social and theatrical spaces. HIJACK has taught and performed in New York (at DTW, PS122, HERE ArtCenter, Catch/Movement Research Festival/Chocolate Factory, La Mama, Dixon Place, Brooklyn Studios for Dance), Japan, Russia, Ottawa, Chicago, Colorado, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Seattle, San Francisco, Iowa, at Bates Dance Festival, Seattle Festival of Dance Improvisation, and at Fuse Box Festival.
HIJACK teaches Composition/Improvisation at University of Minnesota and Zenon.
In 2013, Walker Art Center celebrated the 20th anniversary of HIJACK by commissioning the full-evening dance “redundant, ready, reading radish, Red Eye.” In 2014, Contact Quarterly published the chapbook “Passing For Dance—a HIJACK reader.”
** Please join us on March 10th for HIJACK’s “Making Dances” performance at Northwest Film Forum, just one block south of Velocity! **