CFFS 2024 – TEEN NIGHT: Silkscreening, Shorts and a Documentary

Feb. 9 at
5:30pm | Silkscreening with María [In-Person Only]
6:30pm | It’s a Mess, I Guess? [Short Film Program]
8pm | Homeschooled [Documentary Feature]

Click through to each Teen Night program for individual tickets!

In-person tickets

$14 General Admission
$10 Student/Child/Senior
$7 NWFF Member
$5 Teens (with or without TeenTix pass)

Virtual tickets

$5 – $25 Sliding Scale

Full festival passes >

$90 – $190 Sliding Scale

VIRTUAL, IN-PERSON, and HYBRID (virtual AND in-person) Festival Passes are available!

Click for Accessibility Info

Ticketing, concessions, cinemas, restrooms, and our public edit lab are located on Northwest Film Forum’s ground floor, which is wheelchair accessible. All doors in Northwest Film Forum are non-motorized, and may require staff assistance to open. Our upstairs workshop room is not wheelchair accessible.

We have a limited number of assistive listening devices available for programs hosted in our larger theater, Cinema 1. These devices are maintained by the Technical Director, and can be requested at the ticketing and concessions counter. Also available at the front desk is a Sensory Kit you can borrow, which includes a Communication Card, noise-reducing headphones, and fidget toys.

The Forum does NOT have assistive devices for the visually impaired, and is not (yet) a scent-free venue. Our commitment to increasing access for our audiences is ongoing, and we welcome all public input on the subject!

If you have additional specific questions about accessibility at our venue, please contact our Patron Services Manager at Our phone number (206-329-2629) is voicemail-only, but we check it often.

Made possible due to a grant from Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, in partnership with Sensory Access, our Sensory Access document presents a visual and descriptive walk-through of the NWFF space. View it in advance of attending an in-person event at, in order to prepare yourself for the experience.

FAQ: Is Teen Night all one ticket?
🆓 Free Community Tickets 🆓

A number of seats will be held at each show for members of the community for whom ticket cost is an obstacle. If you’d like to attend free of charge, please email María and Paul (, to let them know which program and showtime you’re interested in!

⚠️ COVID-19 Policies ⚠️

NWFF patrons will be required to wear masks that cover both nose and mouth while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. We are not currently checking vaccination cards. Recent variants of COVID-19 readily infect and spread between individuals regardless of vaccination status.

Read more about NWFF’s policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations here.


TeenTix and CFFS present a specially curated evening of silkscreening and filmgoing for one of the most discerning audiences in the arts: TEENS.

The night starts with a free, hour-long silkscreening demo by local artist and Forum fashion icon María Zamora; drop in any time from 5:30–6:30pm! We’ll have a few different screens operating at once, printing bandanas and postcards, so everyone will get a chance to “pull a print” and take it home with them.

The 6:30pm screening, It’s a Mess, I Guess? is a selection of shorts about interdimensional flights of fancy, gods and monsters, existential in-betweensiness, running away, finding your way back, and … a giant humanoid frog wearing briefs. You know, all the standard stuff that makes up the teen experience. 😜

Stay for a double feature! Homeschooled plays after Mess at 8pm, with a whole host of crew members in attendance: Director Niki Koss, Producer Ryan DeLaney, and DP Lee Citron will present the world premiere of their doc about homeschooled teens gearing up for prom. 💐😮👑

Header photo credit: Last Summer, dir. Nicola Bernardi, Alessandra De Stefano, Gabriela Lewandowska, Chloé Van Becelaere, Camille Van Delft & Elodie Xia

Click through to each event's listing below to learn more and reserve tickets!

Festival Directory

3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF with Children's Film Festival Seattle 2024!

2024 festival artwork by Kid Lerner.

A galaxy of great films and activities await Seattle families! Come enjoy awe-inspiring and spectacular shorts, glittering features, and out-of-this-world workshops at Northwest Film Forum.

We send this call across the known universe: To join a dazzling voyage of discovery from Friday, Feb. 2 to Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024. The festival will be available to youth, families, and film lovers of any age, both in-person and online.


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Northwest Film Forum
1515 12th Ave,

Seattle, WA 98122

206 329 2629

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