Local Sightings 2018 – Evening Star presents The Parallax View
Special Event Pricing:
$16 General Admission
$13 Member
Live Music
A blazing introductory musical interlude inspired by the film will precede the screening, performed by Evening Star.
EVENING STAR — in this incarnation, John Massoni, of Weather Theatre and Jonathan Marlow of The Process, who are both of the Blast First recording project, Maxine—will perform with illustrious musical guests, such as Local Sightings juror Amanda Salazar and others!
If ever there were a perfect time for spotlighting Alan Pakula’s paranoia-steeped The Parallax View, it is now. Timely all over again with conspiratorial overtones of spurious claims and intense intrigue, Parallax stars Warren Beatty as a persistent journalist in pursuit of the truth behind the Parallax Corporation’s connection to a series of politically motivated assassinations.
The film is beautifully photographed by Gordon Willis and shot on location in Seattle (including an infamous opening sequence at the Space Needle) and San Francisco.
“The film capitalized on the growing emotions of the American society and, what perhaps we find most interesting, succeeded in telling one of the most powerful JFK stories without even touching upon the subject of the president’s assassination. Instead, The Parallax View chooses to focus on the efficient and cloaked mechanism of producing “lone gunman” patsies, at the same time observing the eluding nature of conspiracies and making a sharp comment on the dehumanizing aspect of modern-day high-profile corporations. … Today, Pakula’s film is credited to be one of the ultimate conspiracy theory thrillers of all time, fascinating in its evocation of the general atmosphere of post-JFK, post-Watergate, post-compliant America.” – Cinephilia & Beyond

Photo credit: Brian Hamill © Doubleday Productions, Gus, Harbor Productions, Paramount Pictures.