The Seattle Project presents "truth be told" [In-Person Only]
This event took place Apr 2 - Apr 3, 2022
$0–10 Needs-Based
$25 General Admission (Suggested)
$35 Pay-It-Forward
Pay-it-forward ticketing supplements needs-based ticketing, and helps us pay all the contributing artists. The Seattle Project will donate a portion of their proceeds to Real Rent Duwamish, as NWFF does.
⚠️ Public safety notice ⚠️
NWFF patrons will be required to wear masks that cover both nose and mouth while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. To be admitted, patrons ages 5+ will also be required to present either proof of COVID-19 vaccination OR a negative result from a COVID-19 test administered within the last 48 hours.
NWFF is adapting to evolving recommendations to protect the public from COVID-19. Read more about their policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations here.
Series -
Live Shows
Visiting Artist
The Seattle Project is a collaborative community of interdisciplinary artists, led by Amanda Morgan, creating thought provoking new work and dance that is accessible to all and uplifts BIPOC and LGBTQ+ artists, who have historically been excluded from opportunity in the arts.
The Seattle Project is excited to return to the Northwest Film Forum stage and screen with their program “truth be told”, which explores themes of escapism vs realism and their intersections – finding one’s personal truth within those spaces. “truth be told” features live dance and film by choreographers Leah Terada, Devin Muñoz, Christopher D’Ariano, Akoiya Harris, Nia-Amina Minor and Amanda Morgan.
(estimated runtime: 90 minutes)

Header image and first image in carousel above: Credit: Luke Wigren.
All other images in carousel: Credit Jim Coleman.