Cadence 2023 – The great entanglement [Hybrid]
Watch online: Apr. 27 – May 7, 2023
$14 General Admission
$10 Student/Child/Senior
$7 NWFF and/or Alliance Française Members
Pay what you can, $5-25
Pay what you can, $55-85
For NWFF members, $40
All Festival Passes are HYBRID, granting access to both virtual and in-person viewing this year! Non-member passes are priced on a sliding scale; please pay what you can to support our work. Passes exclude workshops and satellite screenings, please register separately.
Live Music
** K. Van Petten opens the night with live music and poetry! **
** Co-presented with Alliance Française de Seattle, American Romanian Cultural Society, Hugo House, Interbay Cinema Society, Seattle Asian American Film Festival, Seattle City of Literature, Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, Taiwan Studies Arts & Culture Program at the University of Washington, Taiwanese Association of Greater Seattle, and The 3rd Thing **
Ticketing, concessions, cinemas, restrooms, and our public edit lab are located on Northwest Film Forum’s ground floor, which is wheelchair accessible. All doors in Northwest Film Forum are non-motorized, and may require staff assistance to open. Our upstairs workshop room is not wheelchair accessible.
The majority of seats in our main cinema are 21″ wide from armrest to armrest; some seats are 19″ wide. We are working on creating the option of removable armrests!
We have a limited number of assistive listening devices available for programs hosted in our larger theater, Cinema 1. These devices are maintained by the Technical Director, and can be requested at the ticketing and concessions counter. Also available at the front desk is a Sensory Kit you can borrow, which includes a Communication Card, noise-reducing headphones, and fidget toys.
The Forum does NOT have assistive devices for the visually impaired, and is not (yet) a scent-free venue. Our commitment to increasing access for our audiences is ongoing, and we welcome all public input on the subject!
If you have additional specific questions about accessibility at our venue, please contact our Patron Services Manager at Our phone number (206-329-2629) is voicemail-only, but we check it often.
Made possible due to a grant from Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, in partnership with Sensory Access, our Sensory Access document presents a visual and descriptive walk-through of the NWFF space. View it in advance of attending an in-person event at, in order to prepare yourself for the experience.
A number of seats will be held at each show for members of the community for whom ticket cost is an obstacle. If you’d like to attend free of charge, please email María and Paul (, to let them know which program and showtime you’re interested in!
NWFF patrons will be required to wear masks that cover both nose and mouth while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. We are not currently checking vaccination cards. Recent variants of COVID-19 readily infect and spread between individuals regardless of vaccination status.
Read more about NWFF’s policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations here.
About the performance:
K. Van Petten will open the night with excerpts from the tape of music & poetry For Someone.
Van Petten created For Someone in Port Townsend, Washington where they sampled sounds, wrote music, and recorded poetry in residence with Centrum at Fort Worden. The tape is available for purchase online via Hello America Stereo Cassette, or at The Vera Project’s cassette tape vending machine.
Words on For Someone:
“The music- gentle and light as air, a tapestry of earthy sound. The words are illuminating like sunshine after a long night. There is a benevolence to these 11 pieces of writing that will stick with you long after listening. For Someone is in fact for someone for you, for me, for anyone who needs it, and I feel certain a very large number of people need this encouraging, sweet, magical creature of a debut album.” – Adam Gnade
Van Petten (they/them) is a poet and musician based in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. You can find their music wherever you listen under ‘Baddy Gold’ and their poems in zines floating around Seattle coffee shops. Their debut audiobook was released on cassette tape with Hello America Stereo Cassette, and their debut EP of music with a new project releases on Dance Cry Dance in 2023. They currently work for local coffee roaster Caffe Vita, and local poetry magazine Poetry Northwest. / @joni_witchell
About the program:
(42 min TRT)
A poetics of enmeshment told via climate crises, love letters, and AI interventions confronts the intertwining of humans, technology, and emotion. This showcase sets neural networks alight; dissonant exchanges open pathways to awe and creative agency.
Header photo credit: Kiss Me, dir. Ruxandra Mitache & Simona Nastac
Showcase title credit: A Reading From the Book of Regenesis, dir. Clay Steakley
- Purchase your ticket through Brown Paper Tickets; come to the show!
- You can also purchase a ticket on the day of the screening at Northwest Film Forum’s box office (1515 12th Ave, Seattle).
- If you have purchased a Hybrid or In-Person-Only Festival Pass, we’ll be able to look you up at Will Call by the name you purchased under.
- Purchase your ticket through Northwest Film Forum’s Eventive virtual cinema. A free Eventive login is required.
- From the Eventive virtual catalog page, purchased tickets will appear under “My Content Library” under your user menu (upper-right). From the Eventive festival landing page, they will appear under “My Tickets” on the site’s menu bar (at top).
- Your confirmation email will also route you back to these pages to watch. (Can’t find it? Check spam!)
- If all else fails, please contact
Films in this program:
US premiere!
A man and a woman. A first contact after a long break up.
(director/poet: Bryam Kinkela, France, 2022, 4 min, in French with English subtitles)
** Co-presented with Alliance Française de Seattle and Interbay Cinema Society! **
US premiere!
This film is a reflective audiovisual collage of images and sounds that have never met and were never supposed to meet.
(director/poet: Miglė Križinauskaitė-Bernotienė, Lithuania, 2022, 4 min, in Lithuanian with English subtitles)
** Co-presented with Interbay Cinema Society! **
A Reading From the Book of Regenesis
The first of a series of short films from The Fire Cycle — an interdisciplinary work comprising poems, music, film, and visual art.
(director/poet: Clay Steakley, US, 2022, 4 min, in English with hardcoded English text)
A Spark Catches
West Coast premiere!
Excerpts from Jade Lascelles’s book The Inevitable pair with images of climate crisis and individual isolation to outline certain dichotomies of serenity and destruction, passion and violence, that manifest in both nature and desire.
(director: Natalia Gaia, poet: Jade Lascelles, Mexico, 2022, 5 min, in English with English subtitles)
The moon appears (La luna asoma)
West Coast premiere!
Liquid, digital animation lends another dimension to Federico García Lorca’s already mysterious and multidimensional poem “La luna asoma (The moon appears).”
(director: Jelle Meys, poet: Federico García Lorca, Belgium, 2021, 4 min, in Spanish with English subtitles)
There are Still Owls, There is Still Night
World premiere!
A poetic exploration of temporal cognitive effects of climate change—what becomes visible as things disappear.
(director/poet: Karen Finneyfrock, US, 2023, 2 min, in English with English subtitles)
** Co-presented with Hugo House! **
World premiere!
A love poem using the Voyager Space mission as metaphor.
(directors: Colm Scully & Anton Floyd, poet: Anton Floyd, Ireland, 2023, 3 min, in English with English subtitles)
US premiere!
As an experiment in re-expressing the past with tools from the future, this short film uses AI to read Percy percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Ozymandias” and generate new photographs from the words of the verses.
(director/poet: Zack McCune, US, 2023, 3 min, in English with English intertitles and hardcoded text)
The Facts
A love poem disguised as a video poem disguised as a recitation of extraneous facts.
(director/poet: Chris Bernstorf, US, 2019, 1 min, in English with English subtitles)
Kiss Me
World premiere!
A poetic and immersive voyage into the growing world of plants to rediscover love and explore how to re-entangle ourselves with nature’s sentience and beauty.
(directors: Ruxandra Mitache & Simona Nastac, poet: Simona Nastac, Romania & Switzerland, 2023, 2 min, in English with English subtitles)
** Co-presented with American Romanian Cultural Society (ARCS)! **
Peace Piece
US premiere!
Responding to a curated cocktail of positive, harmonious keywords (“pacifism,” “empathy,” “sisterhood,” etc.), Emily Dickinson’s phrase “I many times thought Peace had come,” and assorted other artistic input, this film is entirely co-created with artificial intelligence.
(director: Polyptech, poets: Polyptech, Open AI & Emily Dickinson, 2022, 1 min, in English with hardcoded English text)
Poems for an Aeolian Harp or Paintings for the wind
World premiere!
A collaborative video poem by participants in the festival workshop, Animated Poetry with Neely Goniodsky, set to Seattle Civic Poet Shin Yu Pai’s poem “Poems for an Aeolian Harp or Paintings for the wind”. These poems were originally published in Virga (Empty Bowl, 2021).
(director: Neely Goniodsky, poet: Shin Yu Pai, US, 2023, in English)
** Co-presented with Seattle Office of Arts & Culture. The 2023-24 Civic Poet is a commission jointly supported by the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture and the Seattle City of Literature. **
US premiere!
A poetic kaleidoscopic meditation on the irrepressible awe of being.
(director/poet: M Freeman, US, 2023, 4 min, in English with English closed captions)
** Co-presented with The 3rd Thing! **
US premiere!
In this adaptation of Georg Leß’s Anderkatt (The Haircut), two women converse through an uncanny amalgam of images and soundscapes. One is on an expedition; the other follows the expedition’s progress from afar.
(directors: Patricia Delso Lucas & Johanna Wagner, poet: Georg Leß, Belgium, 2022, 3 min, in English with no subtitles or captions)
** Co-presented with Interbay Cinema Society! **
🏆 Winner of the Adaptation/Ekphrasis Award at Cadence 2023! 🏆
refrigerator hum
World premiere by 2023 Cadence artist-in-residence!
Experiments in reanimating intergenerational, collective memory.
(director: jade wong, US, 2023, in English & Mandarin, with English subtitles)
** Co-presented with Interbay Cinema Society, Seattle Asian American Film Festival, Taiwan Studies Arts & Culture Program at the University of Washington, and Taiwanese Association of Greater Seattle! **
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⚠️ Please note: NWFF patrons will be required to wear masks that cover both nose and mouth while in the building. We are not currently checking vaccination cards.
Cadence Video Poetry Festival, presented by Northwest Film Forum and programmed in collaboration with Seattle author Chelsea Werner-Jatzke and artist Rana San, is a series of screenings, workshops, and discussions on the genre of video poetry, during National Poetry Month.
Cadence approaches video poetry as a literary genre presented as visual media that makes new meaning from the combination of text and moving image. Featuring screenings, an artist residency, generative workshops for youth and adults, and juried awards, the festival fosters critical and creative growth around the medium of video poetry.
Festival image credit: corps minéral, dir. Charline Dally @charline_dally Gabrielle Harnois-Blouin

About AFSeattle:
AFSeattle is a dynamic educational and cultural nonprofit organization which has been promoting the French language and Francophone cultures through diverse programs in the Puget Sound area since 1987. It is part of an international network of over 800 Alliances Françaises around the globe. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit incorporated in the state of Washington, it operates in collaboration with many local, regional, and international partners in the cultural, artistic, and educational fields.
With over 700 members and over 1700 enrollments every year, we are one of the leading French language and culture centers in the PNW. Join our community!