Daddy Longlegs
$12 General Admission
$9 Student/Senior
$7 Member
On Film
Screening on film!
Visiting Artist
Artist in attendance!
Directors In Attendance Opening Weekend!
*Please note updated show times
Joshua and Benny Safdie’s latest collaboration is a realistic fairytale about a divorced dad who never gets enough time with his boys. Capturing the magic of parenthood and invoking memories of their own inventive father who made their childhood distinctive, the brothers have created Lenny (played perfectly by actor Ronald Bronstein), who struggles with being a good parent to his two boys. Divorced and alone, he cherishes the days with his kids and tries hard to make the most of time with them. When the going gets tough, Lenny uses unusual, unconventional, perhaps even hazardous, techniques to protect his children from the world. Daddy Longlegs is an ode to excuses and responsibilities, to growing up and staying young-at-heart, to fatherhood and childhood and to making time last forever.
“The Safdies, using a loose, intimate shooting style that evokes a slightly older, scruffier New York even though the movie is set in the present, pull off the remarkable feat of evoking multiple perspectives without being too obvious about it.” —NY Times
“This is easily the most provocative film I’ve seen in ages, one that pushed me way out of my comfort zone and yet kept me spellbound throughout.” —Huffington Post
“****! Seamlessly strung together with a funny-sad tenderness and a gliding casualness that’s more purposeful and believable than the unrefined improvisations of most DIY cinema. The real treasure is Bronstein, whose charismatically loopy, caffeinated performance carries an air of suspense.” -Time Out NY
Read a profile of the Safdies at Time Out NY
Take a workshop with Benny & Josh Safdie:
Emotionally Sloppy: A Crash-Course in Cinema of the Gut with Benny and Josh Safdie