Moving History – The Queercrow Archive [In-Person Only]
$14 General Admission
$10 Student/Child/Senior
$7 NWFF/Scarecrow Members
Among Scarecrow Video’s vast physical media archive one will find shelves loaded with VHS-only treasures: analog releases of feature films, instructional videos, DIY presentations, and all manner of cultural ephemera that never made the leap to digital formats. With the archivists at Moving Image Preservation of Puget Sound, Scarecrow has been working to digitize these releases and preserve these irreplaceable objects of our cultural heritage.
When MIPoPS received its first boxes of videotapes from Scarecrow to digitize, they were loaded with rare artifacts of our queer history, including decades of Seattle-specific memories: 30-year-old footage of Neighbors, R Place, and clubs of days long past; lesbian buddy-detective films that look suspiciously like they were shot in the offices of The Stranger; interviews with attendees of an International Association of Gay and Lesbian Square Dance Clubs convention; and so much more.
Seattle’s queer roots run deep, and in its 35 years, Scarecrow has absorbed a share of that history. Come prepared to be enchanted and enlightened as we dive into this newly digitized treasure trove and present some highlights of queer culture from Seattle and around the globe.
Ticketing, concessions, cinemas, restrooms, and our public edit lab are located on Northwest Film Forum’s ground floor, which is wheelchair accessible. All doors in Northwest Film Forum are non-motorized, and may require staff assistance to open. Our upstairs workshop room is not wheelchair accessible.
The majority of seats in our main cinema are 21″ wide from armrest to armrest; some seats are 19″ wide. We are working on creating the option of removable armrests!
We have a limited number of assistive listening devices available for programs hosted in our larger theater, Cinema 1. These devices are maintained by the Technical Director, and can be requested at the ticketing and concessions counter. Also available at the front desk is a Sensory Kit you can borrow, which includes a Communication Card, noise-reducing headphones, and fidget toys.
The Forum does NOT have assistive devices for the visually impaired, and is not (yet) a scent-free venue. Our commitment to increasing access for our audiences is ongoing, and we welcome all public input on the subject!
If you have additional specific questions about accessibility at our venue, please contact our Patron Services Manager at Our phone number (206-329-2629) is voicemail-only, but we check it often.
Made possible due to a grant from Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, in partnership with Sensory Access, our Sensory Access document presents a visual and descriptive walk-through of the NWFF space. View it in advance of attending an in-person event at, in order to prepare yourself for the experience.
NWFF patrons will be required to wear masks that cover both nose and mouth while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. We are not currently checking vaccination cards. Recent variants of COVID-19 readily infect and spread between individuals regardless of vaccination status.
Read more about NWFF’s policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations here.

Thank you 4Culture!
This program is made possible thanks to 4Culture, whose Collections Care grant helps King County’s archivists, librarians, and historians protect the objects that make up our shared history.
About MIPoPS
MIPoPS is a nonprofit whose mission is to assist archives, libraries, and other organizations with the conversion of analog video recordings to digital formats according to archival best practices.
Featuring a variety of material and topics, this series curates a quarterly set of archival videotape clips that document diverse Seattle histories of the arts, politics, and community.
MIPoPS hopes this series will educate and entertain viewers during this time of uncertainty and isolation.
Find out more about MIPoPS at
Watch past screenings on their YouTube Channel
Browse hundreds of videos they’ve digitized on their Internet Archive collection
Connect with MIPoPS on social media:
Twitter @mipops_seattle
Facebook & Instagram @mipopsseattle