SCBPP 50 – LA 92
** Free event! RSVP through the ticket link below **
Visiting Artist
** Director TJ Martin in attendance! **
** Seattle premiere! **
Twenty-five years after the verdict in the Rodney King trial sparked several days of protests, violence and looting in Los Angeles, filmmakers examine that tumultuous period through rarely seen archival footage.
In celebrating their 50th anniversary, the Seattle Chapter of the Black Panther Party (SCBPP) invites youth and young adults throughout the Seattle area to join them, especially students who are currently involved with Black Student Union (BSU) chapters at local high schools, colleges and universities. Collaborating directly with young people, SCBPP seeks to reignite their mission and stand up for the right to land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace.
Seattle youth are encouraged to join SCBPP for several activities and opportunities in March, April, and May of 2018 – read more here!