13th Tasveer South Asian Film Festival – Jasoosni + shorts
$10 General Admission

Jasoosni – Look Who's Watching You!
(Anandana Kapur, India, 2017, 52 min)
Extramarital affairs. Missing persons. Corporate espionage. With a newbie in her twenties, two mid-career entrepreneurs who don disguises and conduct stings, a freelancer who isn’t shy of using sex, a corporate honcho whose phone never stops ringing, along with a retiree who battled prejudice to become India’s first known woman detective… Jasoosni is an intimate reflection on women in the business of intelligence.
Director’s Bio
Anandana Kapur is a filmmaker and co-founder of CINEMAD, India. Her films have received critical acclaim globally and are a part of courses on Gender Justice, Social Development and Innovation. Anandana teaches Documentary Practice and Researching Media and Culture and writes on cinema and popular culture. She is a recipient of the Fulbright-Nehru and Shastri India Canadian Institute Fellowships for her work on interactive documentary practice.
(Seemab Gul, Pakistan, 2018, 29 min)
Zahida Kazmi is the first female taxi-driver in Pakistan and a local legend. Independent, feisty and street-wise, she is a master hustler. Twice a widower and 56 years old, she is fighting to make a living on the dusty roads of Rawalpindi. Also a mother to 7 year old Zara, she is continually juggles her home life with behind the wheel. Reciting beautiful poetry in quiet nostalgic moments off the road, Zahida reflects on her fate. Zahida is a fascinating insight into the trials faced by a determined woman carving her own path within a patriarchal society.