Translations 2020 – Shorts: Be-Well [Online]

This event took place on May 8, 2020

Sliding scale admission: $0–25

Please pay what you can; proceeds support our move to a virtual platform!



Northwest Film Forum is SCREENING ONLINE! NWFF’s physical space is temporarily closed in light of public health concerns around COVID-19, but community, dialogue, and education through media arts WILL persist.

• • HOW TO WATCH • •

  • Purchase your ticket through the link below.
  • One hour before showtime, a viewing link and password will be sent to the e-mail address you purchased with. (Don’t see it? Check your spam filter.) Passwords will expire at the end of the film. No late seating!
  • If you do not receive an e-mail by showtime, please contact to follow up. (But please, check your spam!)


The only constant in life is change,” — philosophized Heraclitus of ancient Greece. This series of shorts explores what trans people know all too well: that life is a moveable force where traditional attitudes, institutions, and internal stresses must be challenged to Be-Well.

* This program includes English captions & subtitles.

Short Film Program:

Faith Alone

(Jess Kung, US, 2019, 10 min)

This critical examination of the church as an institution is told creatively through the dual perspectives of the queer director and their mother, an unconventional minister.

Anna Tivel "The Question"

(Sarah Whelden, US, 2019, 5 min)

Stuck in a dead-end job and lost in a battle with her own identity, Quinn (Carlie Guevara, The Garden Left Behind, Translations 2019) wanders a dark and rainy alleyway. In this quiet break from the vicious cycle of her lonely life, she closes her eyes: inside her mind is a dancer—graceful, spirited, confident—the embodiment of her inner self, which she struggles to embrace.

Trans Dudes with Lady Cancer

(Brooks Nelson, US, 2018, 34 min, Closed Captions)

What are the chances that two transgender masculine people living under the same roof would be diagnosed with “lady cancer” in the same month, one with breast cancer and the other with ovarian cancer? Trans Dudes with Lady Cancer is the filmmakers’ courageous and personal story about navigating a medical system that is still figuring out how to provide affirming care for transgender people.

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Northwest Film Forum
1515 12th Ave,

Seattle, WA 98122

206 329 2629

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