Translations 2020 – Opening Night: Lingua Franca [Online]
Sliding scale admission: $0–25
Please pay what you can; proceeds support our move to a virtual platform!
Northwest Film Forum is SCREENING ONLINE! NWFF’s physical space is temporarily closed in light of public health concerns around COVID-19, but community, dialogue, and education through media arts WILL persist.
• • HOW TO WATCH • •
- Purchase your ticket through the link below.
- One hour before showtime, a viewing link and password will be sent to the e-mail address you purchased with. (Don’t see it? Check your spam filter.) Passwords will expire at the end of the film. No late seating!
- If you do not receive an e-mail by showtime, please contact to follow up. (But please, check your spam!)
In English, Tagalog, and Russian with English subtitles. Featuring an intro by director Isabel Sandoval!
In this engrossing drama, undocumented Olivia spends her days taking care of Olga, a Russian-Jewish grandmother in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. When the man she’s secretly paying for a green-card marriage backs out, she becomes involved with Olga’s grandson Alex, a handsome but troubled young man who doesn’t realize she is trans. The winsome Olivia, played by director Isabel Sandoval, draws viewers into this story of love and survival as a transgender woman trying to live her life with joy and strength.