Cadence 2020 Artist-in-Residence call for applications
Northwest Film Forum (NWFF) will select an artist or artist team of two to develop a new video poem for inclusion in Cadence: Video Poetry Festival, April 15–17, 2020. The selected artist(s) will have access to NWFF’s film equipment and edit lab, as well as an opportunity to participate in a scheduled workshop to develop or supplement their filmmaking and/or editing skills. The Artist-in-Residence will be asked to participate in a post-screening conversation with festival co-directors and other participating artists.
Cadence: Video Poetry Festival, presented by Northwest Film Forum, programmed in collaboration with Seattle author Chelsea Werner-Jatzke and artist Rana San, is a series of screenings, workshops, and discussions on the genre of video poetry, during National Poetry Month. Now in its third year, the festival features screenings, an artist residency, generative workshops for youth and adults, and juried awards. Cadence fosters critical and creative growth around the medium of video poetry, approaching video poetry as a literary genre presented as visual media that makes new meaning from the combination of text and moving image.
The Artist Residency launched in 2019 as part of the festival’s commitment to fostering the generation of new video poetry. Poet and collage artist Catherine Bresner was the inaugural Artist-in-Residence, utilizing NWFF resources including the edit lab and film gear to develop a new video poem, which premiered on the closing night of the festival. In addition to generating her own work during the residency, Bresner led the generative youth workshop on video poetry for 13 to 18 year olds. Examples of her artwork were available to view in the Video Art Gallery in the Northwest Film Forum lobby throughout the month of April.
Artists or artist teams of two residing in Seattle, 18 years of age or older.
11:59pm PST, March 1, 2020.
To apply, email Rana San at rana@nwfilmforum.org with “Cadence AIR Application” in the subject line and include the following attachments:
1. Letter of Interest (not to exceed 500 words, .pdf format): Please provide a written statement describing your interest in this residency, interest in and/or experience with video poetry, and how this opportunity would contribute to your creative practice.
Audio/Video Statement (not to exceed 1.5 min in length): Please provide a short audio/video clip describing your interest in the residency, interest in and/or experience with video poetry, and how this opportunity would contribute to your creative practice.
2. Work Samples: Up to three (3) representative samples of writing, poetry, artwork, and/or video work. Please send any writing samples in .pdf format, artwork or images as high-resolution .jpg or .png, and online links for video work (Vimeo, YouTube, etc.).
3. Artist Website: If applicable, please include a link to your website. Applicants do not need to have a website to be eligible.
The Artist-in-Residence will be selected on the basis of the artistic quality of their work as demonstrated in work samples, their interest in developing new work in the genre of video poetry, and their availability to participate in a post-screening discussion during the festival.
The Artist-in-Residence must meet the following deadlines and produce a finished work for one of the festival screening dates. Workshop participation, edit lab, and gear use are optional, though highly encouraged.
- March 1, 2020 – deadline for application
- Mid-March 2020 – all applicants notified of decision
- Mid-March – Mid-April 2020 – residency @ NWFF
- April 15, 16, 17, 2020 – screening of final video poem during one showcase of Cadence: Video Poetry Festival
Please direct questions to NWFF Artistic Director Rana San at rana@nwfilmforum.org.