Presenting the Award Winners of Cadence Video Poetry Festival 2024!
The 7th Cadence Video Poetry Festival (April 19–28, 2024) has announced award-winners from among the 50+ artist teams whose work screens at the festival this year. The annual festival presents screenings, workshops, artist residencies, and discussions on video poetry, and remains the only festival dedicated to the genre in the Pacific Northwest. It is curated by Seattle author Chelsea Werner-Jatzke and intermedia artist Rana San.
Cadence jurors: Fatma Belkıs, Kamila Kuc, Livia Azevedo Lima, Michael V. Smith. Each juror identified the name of their award!
Award-winning artist teams receive one subscription to Good Symptom: A Serial Anthology of Time-Based Disturbances and a package of poetry books from Cadence collaborators.
Screening in They multiply more and more (April 19, 7:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online):
Screening in When we bite down (April 20, 7:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online):
🏆 SOCIAL JUSTICE AWARD: The Light That Burns Us by Jazra Khaleed and Silvia Tsompanaki
🏆 EXCELLENCE IN POETIC CRITIQUE AWARD: The Light That Burns Us by Jazra Khaleed and Silvia Tsompanaki
🏆 MICHAEL V. SMITH AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE: Eve by Meghann Plunkett & Miranda Javid
Screeni in They multiply more and more (April 19, 7:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online):
💙 Honorable Mention for AVANT-GARDE REVISITED: Someone You Once Saw in a Dream by Eyrún Úa
💙 Honorable Mention for CREATIVE ARTISTIC DIRECTION: SWEEP DREAMS by E.T. Russian & Edward Mast
💙 MICHAEL V. SMITH Honorable Mention: SWEEP DREAMS by E.T. Russian & Edward Mast
Screening in We are looking for our shape (April 20, 4:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online):
💙 MICHAEL V. SMITH Honorable Mention: Les corps aqueux by Filémon Brault-Archambeault
💙 CONCEPTUAL BAR SUR Honorable Mention: How to Make an ASMR Dumpling by Yixuan Pan
Screening in When we bite down (April 20, 7:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online):
💙 Honorable Mention for EXCEPTIONAL NARRATIVE: Midnight Whispers by Baldwin Li & Linxi Doël
💙 Honorable Mention for CREATIVE ENERGY: Exiles (Exils) by Josef Khallouf and Corinne Boulad
Screening in Our never ending (April 21, 4:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online):
💙 CONCEPTUAL BAR SUR Honorable Mention: Post-performance (Pós-performance) by Gustavo Colombini
About the Winners!

CONCEPTUAL BAR SUR* GRAND PRIZE presented by Livia Azevedo Lima
(directors: E.T. Russian & Edward Mast, poet: Edward Mast, US, 2023, 7 min, in English with English captions)
Plays in They multiply more and more (April 19, 7:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online)
“Awarding just one video poem from this outstanding selection was not a piece of cake. However, SWEEP DREAMS stayed with me. This video poem bridges the housing crisis and climate catastrophe through weird and humorous points of view, effective repetitions, and refined articulation of voice, sound, and draws. To me, its formalization reached such a level of precision that it is just the way it should be. Even a while after I watched it, I repeatedly listened to the sentences ‘It’s not like you own it’ and ‘I worked my tail off’ in my head. I also started paying attention to the homes within and beyond the place I used to call ‘my’ home.” – Livia Azevedo Lima
*Award title selected to represent work that would provoke a good bar dialogue in the Americas and/or Asia with drinks and dumplings, inspired by Happy Together‘s location in Buenos Aires, specifically the tango place Bar Sur.

The Light That Burns Us
SOCIAL JUSTICE AWARD presented by Kamila Kuc
& the EXCELLENCE IN POETIC CRITIQUE AWARD presented by Fatma Belkıs
(directors: Jazra Khaleed & Silvia Tsompanaki, poet: Jazra Khaleed, Greece, 2023, 7 min, in English with hardcoded English text)
Plays in When we bite down (April 20, 7:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online)
“This is a beautiful work of visual poetry that clearly sets itself against the disastrous currents of fascism and nationalism. The Light That Burns Us takes as its topic the refugee experience as its stunning images and captivating sound form a forceful plea for equity and justice.” – Kamila Kuc
“Loaded imagery and equally impressive words. Greatly appreciated the subtle delivery of collective pain.” – Fatma Belkıs

(Meghann Plunkett & Miranda Javid, US, 2022, 2 min, in English with animated English subtitles)
Plays in When we bite down (April 20, 7:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online)
“Eve has so much cleverness in its language, including how it reframes or revisions a story we think we know. Add to this the imagery, which is fluid and unsettling, never being simply illustrative, but adding texture and tone and some mystery too. What a gorgeous small film, with so many sharp observations. My mouth gaped at the end, then I must have said, “Wow” five times. A thrilling poem. A beautiful realization in film.” – Michael V. Smith
About the Honorees!

Someone You Once Saw in a Dream
Honorable Mention for Avant-Garde Revisited presented by Kamila Kuc
(Eyrún Úa, Iceland, 2023, 3 min, in English with hardcoded English text)
Plays in They multiply more and more (April 19, 7:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online)

Honorable Mention for Creative Artistic Direction presented by Fatma Belkıs
& Michael V. Smith Honorable Mention
(directors: E.T. Russian & Edward Mast, poet: Edward Mast, US, 2023, 7 min, in English with English captions)
Plays in They multiply more and more (April 19, 7:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online)

Les corps aqueux
Michael V. Smith Honorable Mention
(Filémon Brault-Archambeault, Canada, 2023, 5 min, in English & French with English subtitles)
Plays in We are looking for our shape (April 20, 4:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online)

How to Make an ASMR Dumpling
Conceptual Bar Sur Honorable Mention presented by Livia Azevedo Lima
(Yixuan Pan, US, 2023, 3 min, in English with English intertitles)
Plays in We are looking for our shape (April 20, 4:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online)

Midnight Whispers
Honorable Mention for Exceptional Narrative presented by Fatma Belkıs
(director: Baldwin Li, poets: Linxi Doël & Baldwin Li, United Kingdom, 2023, 10 min, in English with English subtitles)
Plays in When we bite down (April 20, 7:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online)

Exiles (Exils)
Honorable Mention for Creative Energy presented by Kamila Kuc
(director: Josef Khallouf, poet: Corinne Boulad, Lebanon, 2023, 5 min, in French with hardcoded English subtitles)
Plays in When we bite down (April 20, 7:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online)

Post-performance (Pós-performance)
Conceptual Bar Sur Honorable Mention presented by Livia Azevedo Lima
(Gustavo Colombini, Brazil & Portugal, 2023, 14 min, in English with hardcoded English text)
Plays in Our never ending (April 21, 4:30pm in-person; April 19–28 online)