CFFS 2018 – Drop-In Activity: Dream Fabulous Adventures!
All ages
Jan 26-28 and Feb 3-4, 2018
12:00pm – 5:00pm
During Children’s Film Festival Seattle, The Northwest Film Forum Lobby will be transformed into a fabulous world where children can actively dream the future. This interactive installation, based on the work of Czech filmmaker Karel Zeman, will be part submarine (with VR periscope!), part film set, part special effects classroom. Created by youth educator Jonah Kozlowski and the NWFF Education and Artist Services team, the installation will focus on experiential learning and filmmaking craft. Children will be able to discover how Zeman made his films using mattes, animation, puppets and inspired production design. A great introduction or post-screening activity after seeing Zeman’s “Invention for Destruction: The Fabulous World of Jules Verne,” on January 26. Volunteers will be present during selected Festival time slots to guide children through the activities and answer questions.