Mourning Sickness Vol. 1 – Mommie Dearest [In-Person Only]
7pm doors
8pm pre-show entertainment
8:30pm Mommie o'clock!
$17 General Admission
$13 Member/Student/Senior
⚠️ Public safety notice ⚠️
NWFF patrons will be required to wear masks that cover both nose and mouth while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. To be admitted, patrons ages 5+ will also be required to present either proof of COVID-19 vaccination OR a negative result from a COVID-19 test administered within the last 48 hours.
NWFF is adapting to evolving recommendations to protect the public from COVID-19. Read more about their policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations here.
Visiting Artist
“Don’t FUCK with me FELLAS!“
Faye Dunaway stars as the biggest mother of them all: Joan Crawford. As she clutches at the pearls of her status as Hollywood Royalty, racing to keep from being phased out of the scene, Joan adopts a baby girl in the hopes of breathing new life into her public image. As her darling angel Christina Crawford begins to grow up, mother and daughter begin to butt heads, and the flames of family drama are fanned into an outright inferno. The ultimate exercise in camp, glamour, and deliciously wicked acting, Mommie Dearest is a definitive cult classic.
(Frank Perry, US, 1981, 128 min, in English)
Images courtesy of Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved.