PNW Mini Lit Fair 2021 – Cadence Video Poetry Showcase [Offsite]
This program is presented by Moss.
Moss is proud to present the first annual PNW Mini Lit Fair, a one-day marathon of readings, video poems, and literary discussion from top journals of the Pacific Northwest!
Moss, an annual print journal deeply rooted in place, has rounded up other literary organizations from across the Pacific Northwest to present a marathon of poetry, storytelling, and lyrical cinema that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home.
Featuring readings from Poetry Northwest, Fugue Journal, Pacifica Literary Review, and Moss. Interspersed with the best of the best from past years of Cadence Video Poetry Festival. Capped off with a panel discussion between the editors and curators who shape the literary outlets you love.

Short Film Program:
Sara Kei
(Kamyar Mohsenin & Sara Kei, Seattle, WA, 1 min)
Written and conceptualized by Sara Kei directed and edited by Kamyar Mohsenin.
(Adam Jabari, Seattle, WA, 2019, 3 min)
Resonance emerges from and ether, oceanic. Always will. Always was. Always is.
Still Life with Small Objects of Perfect Choking Size
(Erin Lynch & Keetje Kuipers, Seattle, WA, 3 min)
** 2020 Northwest Artist Award **
Video poem by Erin Marie Lynch, based on the poem “Still Life with Small Objects of Perfect Choking Size” by Keetje Kuipers.
(Fiona Tinwei Lam & Tisha Deb Pillai, Vancouver, BC, 2018, 1 min)
Plasticnic is an animated short poem that wryly depicts the extent and impact of the accumulation of plastic in the environment as people ceaselessly continue to purchase, use and discard single-use plastics. We seek out and enjoy nature while simultaneously destroying it.
O Tired Love When I Look at the Water
(Dru Korab & Brandon Jordan Brown, Portland, OR, 4 min)
We’d very much like to understand beginnings (even, or perhaps especially, unrealized beginnings) as orderly events—neat, picturesque, ordained; but what of the uncertainty, the risk, the chance for failure? How will (and do) these beginnings, as they gain speed and grow beyond our control, affect us in return?