Cadence: Video Poetry Festival 2021 [Online]

Cadence: Video Poetry Festival, presented by Northwest Film Forum, programmed in collaboration with Seattle author Chelsea Werner-Jatzke and artist Rana San, is a series of screenings, workshops, and discussions on the genre of video poetry, during National Poetry Month.
Cadence approaches video poetry as a literary genre presented as visual media that makes new meaning from the combination of text and moving image. Featuring screenings, an artist residency, generative workshops for youth and adults, and juried awards, the festival fosters critical and creative growth around the medium of video poetry.
Apr. 16–25 *
2021 Festival Program:
* All Cadence 2021 programs are available on demand from Apr. 16–25, with the exceptions of Cinema Divina (Apr. 21) & Haiku You (Apr. 28)
Read about past editions of the festival at the foot of this page.
ICYMI: Cadence Casual!
At Cadence Casual, the informal artist/audience Zoom gathering that inaugurated Cadence 2021’s opening weekend, sixteen of the festival’s featured artist teams discussed their experiences with and approaches to video poetry.
Cadence Artist-in-Residence: Natachi Mez

Meet the Jurors:

Roland Dahwen
** 2019 Cadence featured artist! **
Poetry by Video Artists Award

Caryn Cline
Collaboration Award

Catherine Bresner
** 2019 Cadence Artist-in-Residence! **
Video by Poets Award

Nico Vassilakis
** 2018 Cadence featured artist! **
Adaptations/Ekphrasis Award

Northwest Artist Award

Chelsea Werner-Jatzke
Cadence Co-Director
Wild Card Award

Rana San
Cadence Co-Director
Wild Card Award
Cadence Call for Entries
Cadence accepts works that fit within the following categories of video poetry for inclusion in Cadence Video Poetry Festival.
- Adaptations/Ekphrasis: Videos created to bring new meaning and dimension to pre-existing poetry. Any poems used for this purpose must be in the public domain or else used with written consent of the author.
- Collaboration: Video poems created in collaboration between a video artist and writer.
- Video by Poets: Poets creating video from, or as, their writing.
- Poetry by Video Artists: Video artists using text visually or through audio intrinsic to the poetic meaning.
- Wild Card: Video work that’s poetically informed or poetry that’s visually informed that doesn’t neatly fit into one of the other categories.
Submissions for Cadence 2021 closed on March 1, 2021. Pacific Northwest video poets: please consider submitting to our new Local Shortiez initiative! Local Shortiez seeks under-3-minute short films of ANY genre, and is free to submit to.