Poetry in Translation – Kon Kon
$12 General Admission
$9 Student/Senior
$7 NWFF & Henry Art Gallery Members
Purchase tickets to both Kon Kon and the preceding Poetry in Translation bilingual poetry reading for
$20 General Admission
$12 NWFF & Henry Art Gallery Members
** Anyone who purchases a ticket to this show will receive a free admission to the Henry Art Gallery (15th Ave NE and NE 41st St) – just retain your order confirmation or ticket stub **
** Co-presented with Henry Art Gallery on the occasion of the exhibition Cecilia Vicuña: About to Happen, with an introduction by Nina Bozicnik, the Henry’s Associate Curator **
In this documentary poem, Cecilia returns to Con Con beach, the birthplace of her art in Chile, where the sea is dying and an ancient tradition is being wiped out. Con Con, facing Aconcagua the tallest mountain in the Western hemisphere, has a cultural heritage going back thousands of years. Over centuries, the “sonido rajado”, a powerful and unique sound emerged. Revisiting the site, she explores the connections between her art and the ancient music and oral traditions while witnessing to the ecological and cultural destruction of place.

Poema documental autobiográfico donde Cecilia Vicuña regresa a Con cón, Chile, lugar de origen de su arte, donde el mar se está muriendo y las tradiciones locales desaparecen. Situado en la costa chilena, al pie del Aconcagua, la montaña más alta del hemisferio occidental, Con cón tiene un patrimonio cultural milenario. En esta zona evolucionó una forma musical única: el sonido rajado de los bailes chinos. Revisitando los sitios de una geografía sagrada olvidada, la artista explora las conexiones entre su arte y las antiguas tradiciones orales. En el proceso, su arte se hace testigo de la destrucción ecológica y cultural del lugar.