Schlock and Awe – Evil Dead II
$12 General Admission
$9 Student/Senior
$7 Member
** Seattle premiere of the new 4K restoration! **
The frenzied phantasmagoria of Evil Dead II continues at Central Cinema, Oct. 26–31
Ash and friends continue to fight off demonic forces that have been released from the recently unearthed Book of the Dead. In this cult classic reboot/sequel to his own The Evil Dead, Sam Raimi goes filmmaking gonzo in this Looney Tunes-inspired gorefest. Extra points for Bruce Campbell, everyone’s favorite ham-fisted and square-jawed leading man, reprising his role as the ineptly confident, Ash. Uniquely disturbing, fast paced and hilarious, Evil Dead II will swallow your soul.
Description by Nesib Shamah.
“While Sam Raimi’s 1983 Evil Dead winked at the conventions it played off – young couples stranded in a lonely cabin, possessed by evil spirits, surrounded by foggy moonlight – its sequel turns these cliches into hilariously silly, Three-Stooges-inspired slapstick. …” – Caryn James, New York Times, 1987