Wed Nov 29
Terrore Giallo! – Don’t Torture a Duckling
$12 General Admission
$9 Student/Senior
$7 Member
** Screening as part of the series Terrore Giallo! Italian Thrillers as Anti-Kyriarchal Dream Agents **
There are many stylish, arty European movies of the late 60s about handsome men struggling to manage relationships with multiple women. Usually they are set in hip apartments among fashionable friends. In this one the handsome man (Jean-Louis Trintignant) inherits a high-tech, experimental chicken farm from his wife’s family. He may also be murdering prostitutes in his spare time. Often lumped in with the giallo subgenre because of its convoluted plot, stylized photography, and fashionable settings, the reality is, for better or worse, that there’s no other movie quite like this. Lightning-fast editing and snap zooms cut sequences to shreds like the killer’s victims. It’s like a really strange dream in which the threat of violence looms menacingly over every interaction… and then there’s the chickens. So many chickens. Perhaps the most deliberately anti-capitalist, Godard-inflected giallo ever made!