An ongoing series of modular film production workshops designed to provide young and budding filmmakers with training opportunities around the fundamentals of film. Eligible participants in the entire series have the opportunity to become a part of Northwest Film Forum’s production company, Reel Grrls Productions.
One each Saturday, from 11am to 5pm
January 25 through March 7, 2020
Designed to offer an easy financial barrier to entry, tuition is the same for each course.
$95 General (including NWFF Members)
$70 HS/college/university students
With a huge student discount, these courses are designed for emerging filmmakers ages 17–26, but are open to all who are looking to break into production!
Students ages 17–26 who complete all of the workshops will be eligible to join RGPro, a production company that produces broadcast-quality media for nonprofit organizations, local businesses, and institutions.