Fog City Cinema – So I Married an Axe Murderer
$12 General Admission
$9 Student/Senior
$7 Member
** MEMBER SPECIAL! Get a series pass and watch all four films for only $22, or bring a friend to any screening for free! **
Mike Myers plays Charlie MacKenzie, a commitment-phobic poet who thinks that in Harriet Michaels, a sensationally charming butcher, he’s finally found someone that he can spend his life with… until his parents convince him that she could be “MRS. X,” the serial honeymoon killer! He laughs it off, assuming that their ravenous consumption of tabloid sensationalism has simply made mom and pop paranoid, but after he proposes to Harriet, he becomes increasingly suspicious of her intentions. The premise is that simple, but Myers expands the gag to ludicrous, nonsensical limits, warping rom-com conventions to his mad whims. Expect comedian cameos around every corner in this ultra-’90s popcorn picture, including Phil Hartman, Charles Grodin, Steven Wright, and – apologies to all – Michael Richards.
All images on this page are © 1993 TriStar Pictures, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Curator's statement:
Mike Myers, a master of slapstick, sight gags, and character work, lends his talents to So I Married an Axe Murderer, a refreshing reminder that he’s also a fantastic actor. In my opinion, this is Myers’s best film by far, and anyone who disagrees with me can go and cry themselves to sleep on their huge pillows. Plus, the splendor of San Francisco is a wonderful backdrop to this unconventional romantic comedy. Nothing flashy to see here; just an honest, charming, and accessible take on San Francisco that makes you fall in love with the city all over again.
— Erin O. Kay