Unstreamable – The Garbage Pail Kids Movie [In-Person Only]
$13 General Admission
$10 Student/Child/Senior
$7 Member
⚠️ Public safety notice ⚠️
NWFF patrons will be required to wear masks that cover both nose and mouth while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. We are not currently checking vaccination cards. Recent variants of COVID-19 readily infect and spread between individuals regardless of vaccination status.
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Unstreamable’s Jas Keimig and Chase Burns will introduce each screening.
(Rod Amateau, US, 1987, 100 min, in English)
After years of being stuck inside a trash can, the Garbage Pail Kids are finally free. And farting up a storm.
What even are the Garbage Pail Kids?
These grody Cabbage Patch Kids knock-offs introduced themselves to the world as parody trading cards in the mid-’80s. Kids loved them, even though they had halitosis and gas and came with names like Adam Bomb and Handy Randy. The cards were so popular and gross that teachers banned them from schools. But, unfortunately for the gatekeepers of good taste, nobody banned these freaks from the box office, so we ended up with this cult piece of trash: Garbage Pail Kids: The Movie.
This famous stinker is about a teenage nerd named Dodger and the grubby little creatures who fall in love with him. One day, while schoolyard bullies beat the shit out of Dodger, a magic trash can gets knocked over, and—Voila! Out come the Garbage Pail Kids, a group of noxious monsters who won’t leave our teen protagonist alone. Sure, they can’t stop farting, but they mean well. And Dodger is in no position to turn away friends.
Some people have called this the worst movie ever made—and maybe they’re right. The plot is nonsense and the animatronic costumes are horrifying. But, to quote Andy Warhol, “Extreme bad and extreme good is very good. What’s no good is in between.” Andy’s line totally applies to Garbage Pail Kids: The Movie, which proudly belongs at the very bottom of the trash can.
Image credit: The Garbage Pail Kids Movie © 1987 Orion Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved.