Ongoing NWFF Updates Around COVID-19
Dear Northwest Film Forum Community,
In light of ever-changing circumstances around COVID-19, and in our best attempts to be responsive to community and public health needs, NWFF will temporarily be closing our physical space to public events.
This decision does not come lightly. The detrimental impacts of COVID-19 are massive, with a disproportionate impact on small businesses, nonprofits, students, artists, gig workers, and many other marginalized groups who lack strong social safety nets. We are not independent of that, and in this time, we ask you for your support. If possible, please consider making a donation to our organization or becoming a member: nwfilmforum.org/donate
Regardless of all that is happening in the world, we at NWFF are proud to celebrate our 25th Anniversary this year. Our organization has evolved from a filmmaker’s collective into a robust multimedia hub, film center, and community space which serves a large cross-section of Seattle’s creative, nonprofit, and grassroots communities. Our ability to remain nimble and adaptable in times of crises is one of our strong suits.
Art offers hope, and it must endure especially in times of difficulty. Please stay tuned for important programmatic announcements on our end, starting Monday, March 16. This will include ways to bring certain aspects of BYDESIGN FESTIVAL – bit.ly/bydesign2020 – and other programming onto a virtual platform. We are currently designing a number of innovative and adaptable solutions to build community, foster dialogue, continue education, and further our increasingly vital mission.
To stay up-to-date, please follow us online through any of these platforms:
- Newsletter Signup: nwfilmforum.org/about-us/newsletter-signup/
- Facebook: @nwfilmforum
- Instagram: @nwfilmforum
- YouTube: youtube.com/nwfilmforum
- Vimeo: vimeo.com/northwestfilmforum
Thank you for being a part of our community,
Northwest Film Forum’s Staff & Board
Dear Film Forum community,
On March 11, Governor Jay Inslee made a proclamation which prohibits groups over 250 from gathering. Rest assured that none of Northwest Film Forum’s events will hit that level of capacity, and we will be maintaining a 33%-50% cap on ticket sales (though most will fall far below that) to ensure that patrons have ample space to spread out in the cinema and have a healthy recommended 6-foot distance between themselves and their neighbors.
We acknowledge that the social and financial impacts of COVID-19 have illuminated how vulnerable small businesses, nonprofits, students, artists, service industry workers, and many other marginalized groups are in times of crisis and uncertainty. We ask for everyone’s continued support, understanding, and collaboration throughout this process. As we closely attend to local public health updates and protocols, Northwest Film Forum will continue to assess each of our events individually, with serious care and input from our community.
Please bookmark this page for the most up-to-date information around the NWFF’s response to the virus.
Here are practices we are employing based off of King County’s guidelines, including some requests we are making of you:
We encourage patrons and staff members to stay home if they are showing any signs of sickness, whether that is suspected to be virus-related or otherwise. Those over 60 years old, are pregnant, OR have underlying medical conditions which make them susceptible to the virus (such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, or a weakened immune system) are also encouraged to stay home. King County’s current recommendations include: checking for fever over 100.4 twice daily, cough, sore throat, and shortness of breath. Further screening guidance to come. In the meantime, if you suspect you have COVID-19 or are displaying its symptoms, please visit bit.ly/covidsymp for details.
We are increasing the frequency of cleaning throughout our cinema, with special attention placed on high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs, handles, and armrests. Guests are also encouraged to bring additional wipes or sanitization supplies as an additional precaution to cleaning their own space.
Use the 20-second rule when washing with soap and warm water, or put on hand sanitizer, which will be available at the theater for staff and customers. Please also avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth, and face, and engage in healthy practices to maintain a healthy immune system. See full list of King County guidelines: bit.ly/kingcountyvirus2020
Northwest Film Forum is limiting seating capacity to 50% in our large cinema and 33% in our small cinema. Please maintain 6-feet of distance between patrons whenever possible.
Through April 15, Northwest Film Forum will be happy to process a ticket refund before the show if you have a known risk for having contracted COVID-19 or if you’re not feeling well. Please email your full name and order number to Managing Director Chris Day at chris@nwfilmforum.org prior to the screening, and we will be happy to assist you in securing a refund for your unused ticket. If you are unable to attend, you can also choose to have your ticket count as a donation to Northwest Film Forum at this crucial time, or make a contribution at nwfilmforum.org/donate
For upcoming (March 12-April 30) workshop registrations, if you have a known risk of having contracted COVID-19 or if you’re not feeling well and are unable to attend, please e-mail jonah@nwfilmforum.org for refund and transfer options. If you are unable to attend, you can also choose to have your registration count as a donation to Northwest Film Forum at this crucial time, or make a contribution at nwfilmforum.org/donate
The impact of this virus disproportionately affects small organizations, service workers, and otherwise marginalized individuals. Those who are experiencing sickness or communities which are closely impacted need community support and compassion at this time. Furthermore, of Asian descent, including Chinese Americans, are not more likely to get coronavirus than anyone else. Let’s fight this public health concern with compassion and science, not fear and discrimination.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our House Manager Louie Romo at louie@nwfilmforum.org or Executive Director Vivian Hua at vivian@nwfilmforum.org.
Thank you for your understanding and your willingness to support us in this time!
Northwest Film Forum
*** COVID-19 / BYDESIGN 2020 UPDATE – MARCH 11 ***
First off, we really want to express a heartfelt thank you to members of our community–individuals and partner organizations–who have reached out to express their support for Northwest Film Forum during these tough times. The social and financial impacts of COVID-19 have illuminated how vulnerable small businesses, nonprofits, students, artists, service industry workers, and many other marginalized groups are in times of fear and uncertainty.
As we closely attend to local public health updates and protocols, Northwest Film Forum has postponed some of our larger events, will increase social distancing by limiting attendees to our screenings, and will continue to assess each of our events individually, with serious care and input from our community.
With this, we regret to announce the cancellation of our Party ByDesign next Thursday, March 19, due to our previous plans for to accommodate a large number of individuals and provide catering.
Nonetheless, all screenings at ByDesign Festival (March 18-22) will continue as scheduled. If you RSVPed to the party, we appreciate you, and hope you can join us at another event in the festival! SEE THE WHOLE SCHEDULE: bit.ly/bydesign
Our 20th Annual ByDesign Festival opens with the Argentinian film ByDesign 2020 – Hidden w/ Space Needle: A Hidden History–which, appropriately, explores the past to consider the power of art and design to transcend future oppression. This theme is resonant throughout the festival, through screenings about genome studies, indigenous knowledge, hypothetical utopias, actual utopias (both in progress and in pieces)–or through discussions around public art and space, dream technologies, and embodied futures. FULL LINEUP: bit.ly/bydesign2020
We understand that these times are difficult, but we also believe that art remains absolutely crucial; to let it be eclipsed is to cut off an important channel of human connection. It remains our commitment to present complex art that offers avenues for perspective, hope, and joy.
Vivian Hua 華婷婷
Executive Director
Can’t come out? Please consider making a donation: nwfilmforum.org/donate
*** MARCH 5 UPDATE ***
Dear NWFF Community,
Northwest Film Forum is closely following public health recommendations released by the city, county, and state regarding COVID-19. We believe in the power of community to remain resilient and adaptive in these times, and we are committed to prioritizing the health of our students, audience, artists, volunteers, and staff.
It is important to note that King County has not mandated public closures or cancellations, and as such, some of our programming will proceed as planned. We are currently assessing NWFF events on a case-by-case basis.
Nonetheless, we are taking precautionary measures to cancel or postpone our most high-traffic activities, or events that we believe target more vulnerable populations — specifically, those over age 60, as per public health recommendations. Those details can be found here.
Please note the following updates around NWFF programs. Any events not noted here will proceed as planned.
- With the exception of The Color of Dreams short film program, all Children’s Film Festival Seattle events from March 6 to March 8 (at Rainier Arts Center) will be postponed until a later date. All ticket-holders have been notified. It is important to note that children and youth have not been high-risk groups for this virus.
- March 4 & 5 screenings for SBPP Film Festival featuring works by Mama C, will be cancelled.
- March 6 screening of Keepers of the Dream will be postponed until a later date, to be announced. All ticket-holders will be refunded accordingly.
- March 12 screening of The Howling, in Isabella Price’s Nocturnal Emissions series, has been postponed to July 9.
- The Seattle Process with Brett Hamil on March 13 has been cancelled, with ticket-holders given the option of a refund or to donate their ticket cost to support NWFF in this difficult time.
- SassyBlack’s DEPRESSION:ANTIDOTE, a performance, screening, and talk on March 14, has been postponed, with ticket-holders given the option of a refund or to donate their ticket cost. For their donation, SassyBlack offers ticket-holders a download link to her new album Ancient Mahogany Gold and a private advance link to watch her short before it goes live on March 20th. We plan to reschedule the event for this summer.
- Party ByDesign on March 20 has been canceled; all other events at ByDesign will be going ahead as scheduled, with attendance limited to maximally allow for appropriate social distancing.
- The March 25 screening of Sherry Hormann’s A Regular Woman, the first of the Goethe Pop Up Film Series GERMAN CINEMA NOW! to play at the Forum, has been postponed to to April 22.
- Adult workshops and events are happening as scheduled. In the event of a cancellation, we’ll notify all students and ticket-holders by email and update each workshop listing on our website. If you are a registered student and cannot attend a workshop session, or an entire workshop, please email jonah@nwfilmforum.org or call 206-329-2629 for information on makeup, remote attendance, and refund options.
Any additional schedule changes will be announced through social media, our website, and notifications to registered students and ticket-holders by e-mail.
Finally, for the screenings that will continue as planned, we encourage our audience members to wash their hands frequently, and to stay home if they do not feel well. Our staff is routinely cleaning and disinfecting commonly touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, handles, theater armrests, bathroom fixtures, and shared computers and gear.
Thank you for your understanding and patience at this time.
Vivian Hua, Executive Director
Chris Day, Managing Director
& the entire NWFF Staff